1. Sagging or Uneven Ride Height
If your car appears to be riding lower than normal or the ride height is uneven, it is a key indicator that one or more coil springs are worn out or broken.

2. Leaning to One Side

3. Excessive Bouncing or Vehicle Bottoming Out

4. Increased Stopping Distance

5. Poor Handling

6. Suspension Noise

7. Visible Damage

8. Uneven Tire Wear
Conclusion/Take Away
If you suspect that your coil springs are worn and are affecting the ride quality of your vehicle, it is recommended to have them inspected and replaced, if necessary, by an ASE certified technician. They will be able to assess the condition of the springs and determine the appropriate course of action to restore your vehicle’s ride quality and ensure optimal suspension performance.
Often the best solution is to fix the cause, not just the symptom by replacing worn struts with FCS new complete strut assemblies. This will help to restore your vehicle’s ride height and performance back to OE specifications.